Tzu Chi Education Walnut Elementary School

1920 S. Brea Canyon Cutoff Rd, Walnut, CA 91789
Monday-Friday, 8:15am-4:00pm
(Early Care 7:30-8:15am. After School care 4:00-6:30pm)
Phone: 909.895.2276
Email: [email protected]

2023 – 2024 School Calendar

Health Guidelines

Tzu Chi School proudly follows all CDC and Department of Health Guidelines during and after the pandemic. We take preventive measures to ensure the safety and well being of all students and faculty members. We check everyone’s temperature daily, encourage all stakeholders to wear face coverings, and follow the social distance measures.  We sanitize all classrooms daily and the outdoor playground, restrooms, and most frequently touched surfaces. We have implemented a contingency plan if any student or employee becomes ill. Signage is displayed throughout the school to remind all stakeholders of the preventive measures.

We have adopted new policies and requirements for the classrooms. All personnel are monitored daily. If someone does become infected or reports they may have been exposed to someone with COVID, our school will immediately contact the local health department for further instructions. The school district and families will be notified immediately. We ask that all parents and staff let us know of any potential exposure immediately. If directed to do so, the school will close temporarily and move forward with remote learning until permitted to return.
